I thank you for your service. I have found my girl and hope for the future. Ivor
This site was great, I found exactly what I was looking for. The site was easy to set up and navigate. I hope others find what they are looking for as I did. Thank you!
Thank you, you have provided the one I was looking for. Keep up the good work!
I found the love of my life on your web-site. Thank you so very much!
I met the girl I’ve been looking for. Thank you for all the help, God bless.
Hi! Well I am very satisfied and happy to say I met someone very special through your site, so keep up the good work, I wish you all well.
I would like to say thank you about the great web site you have : ). I have found very interesting women here, now I’m falling in love with a marvelous woman I met here. Your site is the easiest to use (pictures are good size, you can receive mails since first, you can search for women easily and many things more). Your site seems to have more interesting profiles than others I have used. Moreover I have the impression there aren’t many scammers here. Thank you.
Miguel Angela
I met a wonderful woman on this website and I cannot do better than her. Not interested in trying to top this one.
To whom I may sincerely thank from the bottom of my heart,
I have met a wonderful woman from Brazil. We are communicating via email and phone calls. She knows I will come to Brazil to visit and she can come to the States to visit first and stay forever. We both are marriage minded. I had a lot of responses, however, the one I am connecting with in South America is saying and doing all the right things, from long distance. We have connected mentally, intellectually, romantically, spiritually, and hopefully as Soul Mates and Best Friends Forever. I want to thank you for the Rose Brides site and all the wonderful and beautiful women you have here. I have found mine so I am deleting my profile so I will not be distracted by all the women vying for my attention. Keep Karl and Andreia in your prayers for a growing friendship and blooming relationship. I will keep in touch about our progress.
With sincere gratitude,
Hi, thanks for the service. I believe I have found a very wonderful Russian woman and we plan to spend our life together in the U.K. I spent roughly a month messaging and talking with her on the phone, we then decided to meet in her hometown recently. We have already planned my next visit and then hopefully her's to the U.K.
Best wishes,