Rose Brides



Из Omaha, Nebraska, США

56 года мужчина в поисках женщины 38-54
  • Рост: 6'0" / 184 cm
  • Вес: 229 lbs / 104 kg
  • Телосложение: Спортивное и подтянутое
  • Волосы: Темно-коричневый, Короткие
  • Глаза: Карий
  • Этническая принадлежность: Белый / Кавказец
  • Знак зодиака: Телец Телец

Активность в последние 4 недели
Последнее обновление: февраля 8, 2025
Является пользователем с: ноября 18, 2024

Имя пользователя: strompvienna20
ID пользователя: : 1324402
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Рейтинг профиля


Ваш голос

Активность в последние 4 недели
Последнее обновление: февраля 8, 2025
Является пользователем с: ноября 18, 2024

Имя пользователя: strompvienna20
ID пользователя: : 1324402
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Рейтинг профиля


Ваш голос


О себе

Well traveled man, born in USA, lived and worked in central and south eastern Europe and Ireland. Studied in many others at university.

First is I am a fair, kind and a humorous man. Wide range of funny, starting with my daily version of bad hair. I am generous with empathy, strong in stature and ethics. I am not a cheater nor have I any addictions (drugs, alcohol, gambling, philandering, video games, tv, smoking...i can't think of any others but feel free to if there are issues that you find may even ask..." are you addicted to lasagna" will reply honestly. I am not here to tease or get you to believe something that is not true...i am here to find a kind, passionate kisser, open minded to new cultures (I cannot leave the USA for 10 years as my first role is a dad).

Second is I am a family man with two daughters ages 15 and 11. Both are bilingual (Slovakian), well behaved, academically strong and sporty. I am proud of their achievements and maintain an active presence in their lives. I have 50% custody and love every minute. Kids are okay with me. I seek to join families and not find a woman and isolate her without a nurturing environment for her and her children to develop a positive relationship for the children to emulate and know that (man and woman) need to partner to build.

Third I have been divorced for 4 years. Dated locally but realized that an international woman/wife is what I seek to make the adventure of life more fulfilling as I remain a student of the world, the cultures with traits that are shared and unique.

Fourth I am self-sufficient and self reliant. I don't seek a house cleaner to share a bed. lol. I cook and clean (but not as well as some cultural standards and not as meticulous as an accountant). I have a good job, love travel, although right now it is for my kids to explore places with me even if i have experienced those locations. I seek to teach my daughters to be strong, kind and independent. They know they are loved, protected, and are trusted to solve problems.

Fifth I am passionate lover, seeking to pleasure my woman before myself. I seek to build our bond in various ways to demonstrate that I appreciate her intelligence and respect her opinion. I do not need more drama nor will I put with "cat and mouse" games. I am not a hypocrite, lead that kind of lifestyle as part of my character and to lead as a partner and father by example.

Sixth...uhh.. to be continued. If you are interested, feel free to ask questions. I will be open and honest as we have nothing to lose while meeting online. I seek to talk, then meet in person to save about 75 emails getting to know each other. If you are asked to demonstrate you are "real", do not be offended because these international dating sites are full of fake profiles.

Seventh...I am not looking for an immature woman or princess. Therefore if you are fickle, or not consistent in your behavior or seek to control your man through drama, that is not for me. I am too honorable to play romantic games, we are here to find a mutual love, not an ATM or house cleaner LOL.

These are my best intended personality and description of what I seek.

Кого я ищу

See the other box as I combined them.

О себе

  1. Английский (родной язык), Чешский (основный), Французский (основный)
  2. Степень магистра
  3. Финансы / Бухгалтерский учет / Страхование /Недвижимость
  4. Христианин
  5. В разводе
  6. Некоторые из них живут со мной
  7. Не уверен
  8. Не курю
  9. На вечеринках

Личность и интересы

  1. Предприимчивый / Эксцентричный / Спонтанный, Коммуникабельный, Легкий на подъем/ Гибкий / Открытый, Кокетливый / Игривый, Дружелюбный/ Добрый, Веселый / Остроумный, Интеллектуальный / Умный, Оптимистичный, Компанейский, Практичный, Романтичный, Уверенный в себе, Общительный, Умудренный опытом/ Опытный
  2. Езда на велосипеде, Походы / Прогулки, Горные лыжи, Тяжелая атлетика
  3. Встречи выпускников, Беседы за чашечкой кофе, Приготовление еды, Рыбалка / Охота, Встречи / Друзья, Музеи и искусство, Впервые сталкиваюсь, Исполнительское искусство, Политические интересы, Путешествия / Достопримечательности, Добровольчество
  4. Каджунская / Южная, Восточно-Европейская, Греческая, Индийская, Итальянская, Японская / Суши, Корейская, Мексиканская, Ближневосточная, Морепродукты, Тайская
  5. Альтернативная, Классический Рок-Н-ролл, Классическая, Легкая музыка, Поп
  6. Классика, Журналы, Газеты, Нехудожественная литература

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