Bergen, Noruega
Homem de 39 anos procurando mulher de 18-35
- Altura: 5'8" / 173 cm
- Tipo de Corpo: Encorpado
- Cabelo: Grisalho, Curto
- Olhos: Mel
- Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
- Signo do Zodíaco:: Sagitários
Ativo dentro de 3 semanas
8 de novembro de 2024
Membro desde:
31 de julho de 2022
Nome de usuário: Arthurian
ID de membro: 1158912
Denunciar Abuso
Ativo dentro de 3 semanas
8 de novembro de 2024
Membro desde:
31 de julho de 2022
Nome de usuário: Arthurian
ID de membro: 1158912
Denunciar Abuso
Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras
Well travelled British person. Looking to settle down, somewhere, sometime soon.
I live in Norway/EU/EEA and have permanent residency rights. However, the quarantine and global health passport has made me want to ensure that I've found the right person and place. I would imagine you're similar me. Alternatively, perhaps you are interested in internationals?
I'm a bit of a traditionalist and my interests are broad, I like old cultures and learning about the old ways. Hence, it helps if you are a bit open-minded and intellectually curious. I drift off into my own thoughts easily and so I'm quite happy in my own company or in nature.
Sobre o meu par
Somebody a bit sensitive/caring, loyal and willing to go the distance (in all senses).
I do love children and want a few. At least 3 really. That's hard to find in Norway and europe. Here people value their careers over family and seem to have forgotten what working is for. Hence, mothering instincts and affection is important.
They have instituted capital controls in Europe, so it's getting harder to move money and assets out. I'm not sure if moving to Europe is a sensible idea. It might be better to get dual citizenship and setup a home abroad, perhaps where you live? Wherever that is. Or potentially somewhere else. I could potentially setup a dive shop or work remotely. Where there's a will there's a way, etc.
Quem sou eu
- Inglês (fluente), Norueguês (básico)
- Mestrado
- Técnico/Ciência/Engenharia
- Cristão
- Solteiro
- Sim
- Não fumo
- De vez em quando
Personalidade e interesses
Pé no chão, Tranquilo/Flexível/Mente aberta, Excêntrico, Paquerador/brincalhão, Amigável/Amável, Amigável, Intelectual/Inteligente, Otimista, Persistente, Indeciso, Sensível/Protetor/Carinhoso, Sério/Responsável, Espiritual, Teimoso
Náutica/Vela/Rafting, Mergulho, Futebol
Acampar, Pesca/Caça, Jardinagem/Paisagismo, Passatempos e artesanato, Videogame, Assistir a esportes
Alemã, Indiana, Japonesa/Sushi, Russa, Frutos do mar, Do Sudoeste, Tailandesa
Acústica, Clássico, Country, Antigas
Clássicos, História em Quadrinhos, Ficção, Poesia
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