Santa Rosa, California, Estados Unidos
Homem de 47 anos procurando mulher de 18-33
- Altura: 5'10" / 177 cm
- Peso: 190 lbs / 86 kg
- Tipo de Corpo: Acima da média
- Cabelo: Loiro escuro, Curto
- Olhos: Verde
- Etnia: Branco/Caucasiano
- Signo do Zodíaco:: Capricórnio
Ativo dentro de 1 mês
4 de novembro de 2021
Membro desde:
22 de setembro de 2020
Nome de usuário: maxbourne
ID de membro: 989053
Denunciar Abuso
Ativo dentro de 1 mês
4 de novembro de 2021
Membro desde:
22 de setembro de 2020
Nome de usuário: maxbourne
ID de membro: 989053
Denunciar Abuso
Quem sou eu em minhas próprias palavras
I work in the civil service. My hobbies include chess, hiking, running and writing. I like random and awkward humor. My goal is to find a life partner with highly compatibile beliefs, quirks, and righteous desires. The most momentous of my goals is to have at least three more children in the next 6-10 years. You are fully on board with being "fruitful" and this ultimately transcends in importance either of our own lives, or any notion of circumstances being problematic or "not perfect" enough. In other words, High Adventure.
Sobre o meu par
You are at heart a traditionalist. You appreciate classical music, film and art and are kind to plants and animals. You can dress to the nines (and there is no higher form of "to the nines" than a traditional dress), but are also comfortable in a t-shirt and lounge pants in the living room. The full universe of (different ways of) presenting yourself is fun to you. You have an adventurous spirit. Life has inherent contradictions and you embrace those without fear. You like being photographed. You are maybe intrigued by the idea of an unexpectedly strong connection...even if the checkboxes don't entirely align.
You have a strong sense of mission in life, or are open to exploring, thinking about, discussing and developing that. You like conversation about philosophy and Christian doctrine. You don't believe the reformation or founding of this country are arbitrary events. You are not quick to anger. You are not highly critical, judgmental or anxious, nor a consumer of/believer in the frauds daily perpetrated by the "mainstream media."
You want a man to love and "send light through" i.e. create life with you. You cherish life. You love yourself and want to participate in nature in accordance with our design, by having children. You are too conscious of and grateful for the blessings in your life to ever . Not only does that strong, abiding gratitude in your heart ever deflect dark clouds, but you have a strong aversion to postmodernist attempts at inverting reality. You know that this world was created for us to live in and to have this mortal experience.
Quem sou eu
- Inglês (nativo), Alemão (nativo), Espanhol (fluente)
- Bacharelado
- Governo/Administração Pública/Políticas Públicas
- Cristão
- Divorciado
- Não vivem comigo
- Sim
- Não fumo
- Socialmente
Personalidade e interesses
Calmo, Comunicativo, Paquerador/brincalhão, Amigável/Amável, Amigável, Bem-humorado/Espirituoso, Persistente, Romântico, Sensível/Protetor/Carinhoso, Simples, Pouco convencional/Espírito livre
Aeróbico, Caminhadas/Trilhas, Jogging/Corrida, Natação/Mergulho
Acampar, Café e conversar, Jardinagem/Paisagismo, Filmes/Vídeos, Voluntariado
Do leste europeu, Alemã, Grega, Indiana, Judaica/Kosher, Mediterrânea, Russa, Sul-americana, Espanhola
Acústica, Alternativa, Blues, Cristã & Gospel, Rock n' Roll Clássico, Clássico, Dance/Eletrônica, Easy Listening, Instrumental, Rock n' Roll Moderno, Antigas, Ópera, Pop
Clássicos, Revistas, Poesia
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