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From Willimantic, Connecticut, United States

63 y.o. man seeking woman 18-40
  • Height: 5'9" / 174 cm
  • Weight: 190 lbs / 86 kg
  • Body type: About average
  • Hair: Dark blonde, Long length
  • Eyes: Green Brown
  • Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
  • Zodiac sign: Leo leo

Active today
Last update: June 23, 2024
Member since: June 23, 2024

Username: raregem
Member ID: 1285921
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Active today
Last update: June 23, 2024
Member since: June 23, 2024

Username: raregem
Member ID: 1285921
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About Me

Salt of the elite, actively retired, seriously humorous, politically liberal but personally conservative; peaceful pugilist, animal-loving carnivore, smoking health nut, access to wealth but lives humbly, musician who rarely dances, elegant bohemian, loves people but is wary of humanity, somewhat wounded healer, sober addict (> 30 years.) Hopeless romantic with a sarcastic streak; too old for drama, to young to give up!

I'm here because at my age, all my friends are married (I've come close a couple of times) with kids and/or grandchildren, and many live a good ways away, so I'm not meeting people at parties. As administrative issues sucked the joy out of my career, and I don't need to work any more, I don't, so I'm not meeting people professionally.

About My Match

Ultimately I'd like to find THE ONE. Call me shallow if you must, but I do seek someone younger: It would be one thing if I met a partner in our 20's and grew older together; I'd still be able to see the hot young girl she is/was when I look at her. I have a hard time doing that with folks I might meet now who are closer to my age; rarely (if ever) do I find myself attracted. So there's that. Could well be that I'm chasing a pipe dream, but in my heart of hearts, I'd like something that looks, feels, and behaves like a real-world relationship, and which might actually develop into that.

About Myself

  1. English (native), French (basic)
  2. Some College
  3. Retired
  4. Agnostic
  5. Single
  6. I have no kids
  7. Not sure
  8. Smoke Regularly
  9. Never

Personality and Interests

  1. Artistic, Calm, Communicative, Flirtatious/Playful, Gentle, Humorous/Witty, Intellectual/Smart, Romantic, Sensitive/Nurturing/Loving
  2. Martial Arts, Tennis
  3. Hobbies and crafts, Movies/Videos
  4. No Preference
  5. Acoustic, Blues, Classical, Instrumental, Jazz, Rock
  6. Newspapers