Rose Brides



Dari Lehigh Acres, Florida, AS

Pria 36 thn mencari wanita 18-27 thn
  • Tinggi: 6'0" / 183 cm
  • Berat: 260 lbs / 118 kg
  • Tipe tubuh: Sedang
  • Rambut: Botak
  • Mata: Merah Kecokelatan
  • Etnik: Kulit putih/Kaukasia
  • Zodiak:: Pisces Pisces

Aktif dalam 3 bulan
Pembaharuan terakhir: December 29, 2019
Anggota sejak: May 10, 2018

Nama pengguna: guillaro1987
ID Anggota: 687937
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Voting Anda:

Aktif dalam 3 bulan
Pembaharuan terakhir: December 29, 2019
Anggota sejak: May 10, 2018

Nama pengguna: guillaro1987
ID Anggota: 687937
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Voting Anda:

Foto Saya

Tentang Saya dalam penuturan saya sendiri

My name is Tony...

I'm a successful business owner, I run and own several companies
I try and better myself with each passing day, I eat healthily, I go to the gym almost every day to have the sexy body of my dreams hahah

I am a big kid, I love to laugh and have a good time, I'm always smiling and cracking a joke but I am also very serious and goal-oriented.

I have big goals for my life and I am determined to achieve them, I'm very intelligent and have a passion for learning, I want to know anything and everything this world has to offer!

I am an extremely patient loving man, I'm someone you will ALWAYS be able to count on! I will be there for you in good or bad times
I've been told I have a very sexy voice which woman seem to love lol

There is so much depth to me It's really had to put into words

Just take a chance and get to know me, don't judge me on where I am financially or physically as I am working hard to improve both those aspects of myself ;)

Tentang Pasangan Serasi saya

I want to find my soulmate!
Someone who is Sweet, kind, loving and generous someone who makes me a priority in their life- Meaning they think of me and choose to take time out of their day to spend time with me or talk to me

I want someone that is looking for something long term, I want to grow with you, I want to go on fun adventures with you, I want to eventually have a family with you

Tentang Diri Saya

  1. Inggris (asli)
  2. Wirausaha/Pemulaian Usaha
  3. Belum Menikah
  4. Saya tidak punya anak
  5. Ya
  6. Tidak merokok
  7. Sosial

Kepribadian dan Minat:

  1. Petualang/Liar/Spontan, Artistik, Tenang, Komunikatif, Santai/Fleksibel/Terbuka, Genit/Suka bercanda, Ramah/Baik, Lemah Lembut, Humoris/Jenaka, Intelektual/Cerdas, Kurang Perhatian, Optimistik, Ramah, Gigih, Peragu-ragu, Romantis, Romantis, Sensitif/Perhatian/Kasih, Serius/Bertanggung Jawab, Sederhana, Supel, Rohani, Latah, Tidak Konvensional/Berjiwa bebas
  2. Berperahu/Berlayar/Rafting, Mendaki/Berjalan, Jet/Ski Air, Terjun Payung/Layang Gantung/Terbang, Snorkeling/Menyelam Scuba, Bermain Selancar/Seluncur salju/Papan luncur, Berenang/Menyelam
  3. Jaringan bisnis, Berkemah, Kopi dan percakapan, Masak, Makan malam di luar, Hobi dan kerajinan, Pertemuan/Teman-teman, Film/Video, Museum dan seni, Musik dan konser, Klub malam/menari, Pentas seni, Teater, Travel/Tamasya, Video game, Sukarelawan, Mencicipi anggur
  4. Amerika, Barbekyu, Cajun/Utara, Perpaduan Kalifornia, Karibia/Kuba, Cina/Dim Sum, Deli, Eropa Timur, Cepat saji/Pizza, Perancis, Jerman, Yunani, India, Italia, Jepang/Sushi, Yahudi/Kosher, Korea, Laut Tengah, Meksiko, Mediterania, Rusia, Hidangan bagi jiwa, Amerika Selatan, Negara Barat Daya, Spanyol, Thai
  5. Alternatif, Rock n 'Roll Klasik, Dansa/Elektronika, Instrumental, Rock n 'Roll Modern, Zaman baru, Pop, Rock
  6. Bukan Fiksi

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