Dari Corona, California, AS
Pria 44 thn mencari wanita 18-40 thn
- Tinggi: 5'8" / 173 cm
- Berat: 146 lbs / 66 kg
- Tipe tubuh: Atletik dan kencang
- Rambut: Hitam, Pendek
- Mata: Merah Kecoklatan
- Etnik: Latin/Hispanik
- Zodiak:: Leo
Aktif dalam 2 bulan
Pembaharuan terakhir: August 21, 2021
Anggota sejak: January 27, 2020
Nama pengguna: MAGAGAR
ID Anggota: 918783
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Aktif dalam 2 bulan
Pembaharuan terakhir: August 21, 2021
Anggota sejak: January 27, 2020
Nama pengguna: MAGAGAR
ID Anggota: 918783
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Tentang Saya dalam penuturan saya sendiri
First of all I hate describing myself but I guess if you were to ask people who know me to describe me this is what I hope they would say HAHA
Funny, intelligent, driven, hardworking, family oriented, calm, responsible, open minded, loving, strong leader and an optimist whose glass is always half full and never half empty .
I am not perfect by any means and I hope you are not also. I don't like people who think they are perfect, only fools think they are perfect.
::WARNING:: I am a very hardworking person, and in some of my past relationships some of the woman didn't understand my hard work ethic and it created a problem with them. I promise I try my very best to pay attention to my loved ones but if you are a person who doesn't understand the concept or responsibilities before fun then you and I will not get along. This is one of the main reasons why I'm single and from my experience I tend to get along with mostly professional women who understand this hard working concept.
As you can see, I like to stay fit. I think it is very important to try to stay in good health specially at my old age HAHA!!
I have 2 wonderful kids and I wouldn't mind having more.
Tentang Pasangan Serasi saya
I would love to meet a strong & intelligent woman. I think there's nothing sexier than intelligence.
My perfect lady would love sports, fitness, travel, and family.
She has a positive attitude and she hates to argue as I myself do not like drama. I want to love on her, not fight against one another. We are stronger as a team working together.
My lady must also love diamonds and is ready to have a diamond ring put on her as I am looking for my life long partner ;) maybe not right away but that's the goal of this whole experiment.
I'm not here looking for a pen-pal so if you are not looking for something serious then move along to the next guy. I'm sorry but I know what I want. I don't have a problem with dating women from my county, I just simply want someone from a different culture and up bringing than your typical American, I need a change and hopefully that change will be you =)
Tentang Diri Saya
- Inggris (asli), Spanyol (lancar)
- Beberapa Perguruan Tinggi
- Komunikasi/Telekom
- Kristen
- Belum Menikah
- Tinggal dengan saya
- Ya
- Tidak merokok
- Sosial
Kepribadian dan Minat:
Tenang, Santai/Fleksibel/Terbuka, Ramah/Baik, Lemah Lembut, Humoris/Jenaka, Intelektual/Cerdas, Kurang Perhatian, Optimistik, Ramah, Peragu-ragu, Tenang/Malu, Percaya Diri, Serius/Bertanggung Jawab, Sederhana, Supel
Baseball/Softball, Bola Basket, Sepak bola Amerika, Mendaki/Berjalan, Jogging/Lari, Sepak Bola
Jaringan bisnis, Berkemah, Kopi dan percakapan, Makan malam di luar, Film/Video, Musik dan konser, Berolahraga, Teater, Mencicipi anggur
Amerika, Barbekyu, Perpaduan Kalifornia, Karibia/Kuba, Italia, Meksiko, Makanan Laut, Hidangan bagi jiwa, Negara Barat Daya, Vegan, Vegetarian/Organik
Klasik, Dansa/Elektronika, Jazz, Latin, Rock n 'Roll Modern, Zaman baru, Pop, Rap/Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rock, Soul/R&B, Musik Dunia/Etnis
Majalah, Koran, Jurnal Perdagangan
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