Rose Brides



Dari Crossville, Tennessee, AS

Pria 51 thn mencari wanita 25-50 thn
  • Tinggi: 5'9" / 176 cm
  • Berat: 300 lbs / 136 kg
  • Tipe tubuh: Kekar
  • Rambut: Abu-abu keputihan, Pendek
  • Mata: Merah Kecoklatan
  • Etnik: Kulit putih/Kaukasia
  • Zodiak:: Aquarius Aquarius

Pembaharuan terakhir: December 8, 2023
Anggota sejak: December 8, 2023

Nama pengguna: LittleJim
ID Anggota: 1239129
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Voting Anda:

Pembaharuan terakhir: December 8, 2023
Anggota sejak: December 8, 2023

Nama pengguna: LittleJim
ID Anggota: 1239129
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan

Peringkat profil:


Voting Anda:

Foto Saya

Tentang Saya dalam penuturan saya sendiri

I was raised in church. Saved and baptized March 2003. Married and I divorce both of them for cheating. That was the past and I don't live there. Been in my new life for over three years now signal. Have 2 children that are all most grown. I love the outdoors. I love swimming, hiking, kayaking, listening to all types of music, dancing,singing karaoke, riding 4 - wheels, riding horses, camping, riding around in my trunk looking for new places to go.
I have had the same job for over 25 years now 9 and a half years to go , retirement time. I own a new travel trailer and have been doing weekend camping. Love to have company. After retirement, Will probably become snowbirds. Love to be able to travel international. I am looking for romance in my life because all my exes didn't know how too. Cuddling and watching movies in front of a nice fire.

Tentang Pasangan Serasi saya

I would like to fined a woman that likes some of the thing I do, if not all the things I like to do on my spair time. That loves comparison, cuddling, and romance..I like raising children love being a dad. Looking for long term relationship. My ride around buddy and lover. She needs to help work so we can get what we want together

Tentang Diri Saya

  1. Inggris (asli)
  2. Sekolah Menengah Atas
  3. Penegakan Hukum/Militer/Keamanan
  4. Kristen
  5. Belum Menikah
  6. Tidak tinggal dengan saya
  7. Tidak yakin
  8. Tidak merokok
  9. Sosial

Kepribadian dan Minat:

  1. Tenang, Komunikatif, Konservatif, Bersahaja, Santai/Fleksibel/Terbuka, Genit/Suka bercanda, Ramah/Baik, Lemah Lembut, Kurang Perhatian, Optimistik, Romantis, Romantis, Percaya Diri, Sensitif/Perhatian/Kasih, Serius/Bertanggung Jawab, Sederhana, Rohani, Latah, Tidak Konvensional/Berjiwa bebas
  2. Menari, Mendaki/Berjalan, Berkuda, Berburu/Memancing, Berenang/Menyelam, Bola Voli
  3. Berkemah, Kopi dan percakapan, Masak, Makan malam di luar, Memancing/Berburu, Berkebun/Pertamanan, Hobi dan kerajinan, Pertemuan/Teman-teman, Film/Video, Musik dan konser, Ke tempat baru, Klub malam/menari, Travel/Tamasya, Menonton olahraga, Mencicipi anggur
  4. Amerika, Barbekyu, Cina/Dim Sum, Cepat saji/Pizza, Yunani, Jepang/Sushi, Meksiko, Makanan Laut, Negara Barat Daya, Spanyol
  5. Akustik, Kristiani & Injil, Rock n 'Roll Klasik, Country, Dansa/Elektronika, Mudah didengarkan, Folk, Hard Rock & Metal, Rock n 'Roll Modern, Zaman baru, Lama, Pop, Punk, Rap/Hip-Hop, Rock, Soundtrack
  6. Fiksi, Bukan Fiksi

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