Dari Ormond Beach, Florida, AS
Pria 38 thn mencari wanita 20-35 thn
- Tinggi: 6'2" / 187 cm
- Berat: 223 lbs / 101 kg
- Tipe tubuh: Sedikit berisi
- Rambut: Coklat tua, Pendek
- Mata: Coklat
- Etnik: Kulit putih/Kaukasia
- Zodiak:: Gemini
Aktif dalam 4 hari
Pembaharuan terakhir: March 11, 2025
Anggota sejak: March 11, 2025
Nama pengguna: Max_Sparton
ID Anggota: 1346947
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Aktif dalam 4 hari
Pembaharuan terakhir: March 11, 2025
Anggota sejak: March 11, 2025
Nama pengguna: Max_Sparton
ID Anggota: 1346947
Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Tentang Saya dalam penuturan saya sendiri
Friendly and smart with a sharp whit. I like movies that make me cry but in the way a father crying for their kid succeeding. I want to walk/ run more often but it's more fun with someone else. Lots of my personality is comedy. I love coming up with new jokes especially with the way other languages sound in English so it may not come across. Example a simple German math problem (Vier plus sechs, es ist zehn) 4+6=10 in English sounds like a joke... "do you want to know more?" (That is also a joke line in English)
Tentang Pasangan Serasi saya
I'm looking for a woman who loves to joke and make me laugh. I want a woman who loves pixar movies and can joak about random movie quotes. If I yell to my friends in a strange way "HEY YOU GUYS" and you don't understand why I did it that way I want you to ask and be willing to learn by watching the movie it came from while holding me while tight as we both I at this moment am a 37 year old with no kids and I want to have them so if you don't then that's a deal breaker. I want someone who it inelegant to play games like (blood on The clock tower) with me which are available to watch on social media if you aren't aware of what that is. Basically I'm looking for someone smart and quick whitted who also wants to be a mother and likes animated TV wether that's amime or 3d like pixar or Disney so we can watch it together with our kids and not be board.
Tentang Diri Saya
- Inggris (asli), Jerman (dasar), Jepang (dasar)
- Sekolah Menengah Atas
- Perwakilan penjualan/Retail/Grosir
- Agnostis
- Bercerai
- Saya tidak punya anak
- Ya
- Mencoba berhenti
- Sosial
Kepribadian dan Minat:
Tenang, Ramah/Baik, Intelektual/Cerdas, Praktis, Romantis
Bersepeda, Bowling, Angkat Besi
Berkebun/Pertamanan, Film/Video, Video game
Cajun/Utara, Italia, Korea, Meksiko, Mediterania, Negara Barat Daya
Akustik, Alternatif, Rock n 'Roll Klasik, Hard Rock & Metal, Rock n 'Roll Modern, Zaman baru, Lama, Pop, Punk
Fiksi, Novel
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