Testimonios – Rose Brides
Very user friendly - the best dating site :)
Hello Everybody!
I'd like to express my personal gratitude to people who created this wonderful site. I suppose that my soul mate and now already my beloved husband would like to subscribe to my opinion about your team. We met each other here on Rose brides.com, then started communicating. We used all types of modern connection. And finally after 1.5 years of communication, meetings and getting to know each other we got married in November - I'm absolutely happy!!!
For me it was important to understand and believe that international online dating could really work. I would like to advise anyone who wants to find a match not to hesitate - to everyone who is looking for his/her partner, join Rose Brides! I've advised all my friends to do it.
With my best and warmest regards,
Irina from Zaporozhye, Ukraine - November 13, 2011
Thank you very much for everything. I found my man here, I believe! We're both leaving this site just to be together. Be sure I'll send you our sweet story just after our wedding. I hope I’ll never have to return here because I hope things will work out for us. Best wishes from both of us. Lidia
I would like to tell you this is the best dating webpage. I have used Match.com but this website is much better. I found my true love on your website, what can I say? Thank you guys, I will never forget you.
Actually, I really enjoyed your site. Fortunately, I met somebody I truly believe has the potential to be MY life partner. Wish me luck!! :)
Thanks for everything, I found the right person, someone really special for me!! This is a great page, you helped me find real love. Thanks!
Thank you for your wonderful site, I found somebody good for me :) bye!
Thanks to all of you! You made all my dreams come true. I am so happy because I met my soulmate and we are getting married very soon!
In January 2010 I met an Australian man here, Andrew M. On the 3rd of September 2011 we got married and live together in our house in Australia now. We just wanted to say thanks and yes, dreams can come true, you just have to believe!
Best regards,
I posted my profile on Feb. 1, 2010. I met my fiance on Feb. 3. It was wonderful to be a part of this site. Thank you for helping us.