
De Willimantic, Connecticut, Estados Unidos

Hombre de 63 años buscando mujer de 18 a 40 años
  • Altura: 5'9" / 174 cm
  • Peso: 190 lbs / 86 kg
  • Tipo de cuerpo: Por encima del promedio
  • Cabello: Rubio oscuro, Largo
  • Ojos: Verde oscuro
  • Raza: Blanco / Caucásico
  • Signo de zodiaco:: Leo Leo

Activo hoy
Última actualización: Junio 23, 2024
Miembro desde: Junio 23, 2024

Nombre de usuario: raregem
ID del miembro: 1285921
Informar de Abuso

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Tu voto

Activo hoy
Última actualización: Junio 23, 2024
Miembro desde: Junio 23, 2024

Nombre de usuario: raregem
ID del miembro: 1285921
Informar de Abuso

Puntuación del perfil


Tu voto


Acerca de mí

Salt of the elite, actively retired, seriously humorous, politically liberal but personally conservative; peaceful pugilist, animal-loving carnivore, smoking health nut, access to wealth but lives humbly, musician who rarely dances, elegant bohemian, loves people but is wary of humanity, somewhat wounded healer, sober addict (> 30 years.) Hopeless romantic with a sarcastic streak; too old for drama, to young to give up!

I'm here because at my age, all my friends are married (I've come close a couple of times) with kids and/or grandchildren, and many live a good ways away, so I'm not meeting people at parties. As administrative issues sucked the joy out of my career, and I don't need to work any more, I don't, so I'm not meeting people professionally.

Acerca de mi Pareja Compatible

Ultimately I'd like to find THE ONE. Call me shallow if you must, but I do seek someone younger: It would be one thing if I met a partner in our 20's and grew older together; I'd still be able to see the hot young girl she is/was when I look at her. I have a hard time doing that with folks I might meet now who are closer to my age; rarely (if ever) do I find myself attracted. So there's that. Could well be that I'm chasing a pipe dream, but in my heart of hearts, I'd like something that looks, feels, and behaves like a real-world relationship, and which might actually develop into that.

Acerca de mí

  1. Inglés (nativo), Francés (básico)
  2. Título Superior
  3. Jubilado
  4. Agnóstico
  5. Soltero
  6. No tengo hijos
  7. No estoy seguro
  8. Fumador Habitual
  9. Nunca

Personalidad e Intereses

  1. Artístico, Calmado, Comunicativo, Coqueto/Juguetón, Amable, Divertido/Ingenioso, Intelectual/Listo, Romántico, Sensible/Protector/Cariñoso
  2. Artes Marciales, Tenis
  3. Aficiones y manualidades, Películas/Vídeos
  4. Sin preferencias
  5. Acústica, Blues, Clásica, Instrumental, Jazz, Rock
  6. Prensa

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