
I am sure that we will send you a lot of pictures for many years to come :)


Agnieszka 来自于 Warsaw, 波兰 - 2012年12月9日

I found the one true man that makes me feel complete, happy, safe and at peace. We share a lot in common and he is very unique. He wants the same stability I want and is not afraid to be my financial supporter. I love him so much. He is hardworking and does his best to make me happy :)!!! Thank you Rosebrides.

Miriam 来自于 Belize City, 伯利兹 - 2012年12月5日

I have met my match! Thank you!

Elina 来自于 Moscow, 俄罗斯 - 2012年11月28日

Thanks, your site works fast ... I already found my dearest ONE...

Natalia 来自于 Tbilisi, 格鲁吉亚 - 2012年11月26日

Well the experience has been worth it. After two years I met a guy from Australia. We think we could be for each other so we decided to cancel our account. We have been talking and everything is great. We‘re going to give us a chance, we don‘t know how our story will end but something tells me it will be happily ever after. So in the future we‘ll tell you more about how it goes. Thank you Rosebrides.

Anna 来自于 Guatemala, 危地马拉 - 2012年11月26日

Yes, I met one guy, but I'm not sure he will be my husband yet. So maybe in a month or two I will come back to your site. Thank you very much for your job – you help people to meet!!!

Yekaterina 来自于 Ekaterinburg, 俄罗斯 - 2012年11月22日

I found someone on this site, thank you!

Hieroms 来自于 Lima, 秘鲁 - 2012年11月8日

I found the man I love but I don‘t know if he will marry me, but however it turns out I would like to say thank you Rosebrides.com so much.

Dyma 来自于 Phnom Penh, 柬埔寨 - 2012年11月8日

I have met my second half here. Thanks for the great happiness we have now! I've met the man I've been dreaming of all my life and he says he feels the same way. It seems like we have known each other for ages and my every day is filled with joy now.

Nadezhda 来自于 Orsha, 白俄罗斯 - 2012年10月31日

Thanks for your guidance during my membership, especially the page on Safety Precautions for Women. It's worth reading.  I’m currently in a relationship with someone from your site. We want to remove our profiles so we can focus more on each other.  I hope to be able to send you news of our success story.

Best Regards,

Luke 来自于 Surabaya, 印度尼西亚 - 2012年10月28日
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