Awesome site. Thank you for an opportunity to meet somebody who I/we feel it's going to work out. I'll recommend you to the world. Thanks again.
I wanted to let you know that I did in fact meet someone here, thank you very much. We will hope for the best.
Excellent service. I would recommend it to anyone above all other sites. I found the woman of my dreams here and I need to be out of the limelight for now.Thank you Rose Brides for making it possible for me.
Enjoyed your site and have meet several women I’m in correspondence with... thank you.
Thank you, Rosebrides!!! I found someone to spend my life with thanks to you!
I would like to delete my subscription. I really liked the service, I met a nice lady from Colombia!!! Thank you.
Met a girl, thanks.
Wonderful site. I have read about all the other sites that just drain your wallet. I met a wounderful Ukrainian woman and I‘m leaving for the Ukraine in a few days. I‘ve also made many freinds here. Thank you.
I have met my match!
I found a possible bride. Thank you Rose Brides!