最后一次更新: 2023年12月25日
入会时间: 2023年12月25日
用户名: vheathen14
会员编号: 1242495
I often find questions such as this difficult, because I'm naturally shy or reserved when opportunity to embellish or ego arises. However, I can and I am often outgoing, goofy and like to find the humor in even the most dire of circumstances- "we're never getting out of this life alive, so why so serious!?!" I've been told I'm stubborn, blatant, intelligent, kind and industrious... with a hint of impulsiveness. I can say, life is too short and I've already wasted so much time, so I'm seeking to revel in experiences both new and familiar.
I will like to meet a woman with a sincere smile and kind spirit. The "Luigi to my Mario" (if Luigi was a witty, attractive woman). Motivated and not afraid to get her hands dirty!
- 英语, 西班牙语 (基本水平)
- 副学士学位
- 其他职业/服务服务/贸易
- 其他基督教
- 离异
- 周末要带小孩
- 不确定
- 偶尔吸烟
- 偶尔
沉稳, 随和/灵活/开朗, 轻浮/调皮, 友好/善良, 幽默/机智, 务实, 浪漫, 自信, 富有灵性, 不落俗套/无拘无束
登山/散步, 骑马, 打猎/打渔, 慢跑/跑步, 瑜伽/冥想
露营, 喝咖啡,聊天, 园艺/景观美化, 听音乐/音乐会, 旅游/观光
希腊菜, 意大利菜, 地中海菜, 墨西哥菜, 中东菜, 西班牙菜
蓝调, 经典摇滚, 重金属摇滚, 摇滚, 灵魂/嘻哈乐
科幻小说, 纪实小说, 小说