最后一次更新: 2023年11月12日
入会时间: 2023年11月12日
用户名: CanadianMike
会员编号: 1233802
Hello lovely ladies. I have not been lucky in love at all, and have been single for quite a long time. I suffer from an anxiety disorder which has derailed a lot of things in my life, but I am working hard to overcome these issues. While I am still a large man, over the past year I have lost a lot of weight, enough that I have gone from being on the last hole on my belt to needing to buy a new one, because even using the first hole on my belt is not tight enough for me now. I am a very empathetic and caring person, with a lot of love to share. While I have been bereft of romantic relationships for quite a while, I am a very romantic person, so it has all been stored up for you! I know I have much to learn, and I look forward to you teaching me.
A kind heart and a sweet smile. Honestly, I could leave it at that because in my opinion those are the two most amazing things that a woman can have (despite what two things many other men may say *wink*), but that would make for a boring read, right? So the perfect woman would be able to both sympathize with and accommodate my anxiety disorder, while also pushing me out of my comfort zone with it enough to help me continue to make progress, though truth be told, I think having someone in my life that loves me would help to ease that burden in and of itself. My perfect bride would be very outgoing and independent, feeling comfortable going out and having fun with friends when I am not feeling up to doing so, and able to initiate and guide a conversation so that I can join in instead of awkwardly trying to think up small talk. I think that about covers it. Does this woman exist? Is it you?
Oh, and must love cuddling! That honestly may be the thing I miss the most.
- 英语 (母语)
- 副学士学位
- 网络/电商/技术
- 基督教徒
- 单身
- 无小孩
- 不确定
- 不吸烟
- 从不
沉稳, 古怪, 轻浮/调皮, 友好/善良, 温和, 幽默/机智, 聪明/机灵, 不挑剔, 有拖延症, 内向/害羞, 浪漫, 浪漫, 敏感/充满爱/慈爱, 单纯
烹饪, 爱好与手工艺品, 看电影/视频, 电子游戏
烧烤, 中国菜/点心, 熟食, 快餐/披萨, 意大利菜, 墨西哥菜
另类摇滚, 经典摇滚, 重金属摇滚, 现代摇滚, 摇滚
漫画, 侦探小说, 科幻小说, 杂志, 纪实小说, 小说