最后一次更新: 2024年12月29日
入会时间: 2024年12月29日
用户名: Bear1979
会员编号: 1332490
Deeply loving and deeply motivated.
Master engineer. Martial Arts Instructor.
If I fall in love with something then I am all in.
I have loved travelling, but now want to settle down.
Favourite places I have lived, Canada (Toronto), beautiful people with beautiful hearts. Australia (Sydey for the work, Melbourne for the people), Vietnam (All of her, best place in the world), Japan (Anywhere, she is almost perfect)
I would love to settle somewhere near Vietnam or maybe China. I am lucky that I have the option to chose. Just need a soul mate to help me rest in 1 place.
Someone who gets me.
Someone who sees past the money and things I can buy.
Someone real and honest who has a heart that gives more than it wishes to recieve.
- 英语 (流利), 法语 (基本水平), 德语 (基本水平), 意大利语 (基本水平)
- 学士学位
- 教育/教学/儿童护理
- 佛教徒
- 丧偶
- 周末要带小孩
- 不确定
- 偶尔吸烟
- 从不
文艺, 沉稳, 善于沟通, 聪明/机灵, 务实, 浪漫, 浪漫, 自信, 善于社交, 富有灵性
有氧运动, 板球, 跳舞, 高尔夫, 武术, 攀岩, 网球, 举重
喝咖啡,聊天, 烹饪, 外出就餐, 爱好与手工艺品, 表演艺术, 做运动, 听戏剧
加勒比菜/古巴菜, 中国菜/点心, 德国菜, 希腊菜, 印度菜, 韩国菜, 海鲜, 泰国菜
原声乐器, 蓝调, 乡村歌曲, 舞曲/电子乐, 迪斯科, 歌剧, 摇滚
经典名著, 纪实小说, 小说, 诗歌