来自美国Arkansas州Cave City市
最后一次更新: 2024年5月27日
入会时间: 2024年5月27日
用户名: BeardedKraken35
会员编号: 1279131
I consider myself to be an intelligent and highly spiritual being who consistently and constantly works towards personal progress and growth.Im still new to it but I apply Stoicism to my life and I live by this philosophy.Just the little bit I know has helped me tremendously.I do have some issues that affect me day to day but I take my meds religiously and go to therapy every week.Im not crazy,I promise.At this point in my life I’m as sane as I’ve ever been.Maturity and personal responsibility/accountabilty are most attractive to me,that being said,I am a tad shy and not good at small talk so if you can engage my mind and make me think,then you’ve won me over.
I’m not Into bigger women or tall women.I prefer someone close to my height and on the more slender/dainty side with long,darker hair.Thats all physical but mentally and emotionally,I need someone that’s on my level.
- 英语 (母语)
- 大学肄业
- 公益/志愿/积极分子
- 异教徒
- 分居
- 无小孩
- 否
- 打算戒烟
- 从不
沉稳, 善于沟通, 保守, 朴实, 随和/灵活/开朗, 古怪, 友好/善良, 温和, 聪明/机灵, 不挑剔, 执着, 务实, 浪漫, 自信, 敏感/充满爱/慈爱, 严肃/有责任感, 单纯, 富有灵性, 不落俗套/无拘无束
登山/散步, 打猎/打渔
露营, 烹饪, 外出就餐, 钓鱼/打猎, 爱好与手工艺品, 看电影/视频, 听音乐/音乐会, 电子游戏
美国菜, 烧烤, 卡津菜/南方菜, 中国菜/点心, 快餐/披萨, 意大利菜, 日本菜/寿司, 墨西哥菜, 海鲜, 心灵食物
重金属摇滚, 器乐曲
纪实小说, 诗歌