最后一次更新: 2024年5月15日
入会时间: 2024年5月15日
用户名: BornAHushand925
会员编号: 1275936
Straight Male. Rock n roll Metalhead. Artist in music, writing, cartoons.
I'm just a normal guy in a small town tryin to do something in my life. I...believe in God and when I pray it's mostly giving thanks. I am my own person and have kinks and eccentricities that are a little questionable, but I know my faith and I stick by it. I'm writing on my cartoon and at this moment I don't have anybody to share that time with and that bothers me. I want to get my pilots license too.
Someone close. Could have blonde hair, I compromise a little on that even if I see dark roots. 😁 I don't really put much thought into that type of stuff. She's has to want to be a wife. I feel like if that's what she wants, she'll be more likely to fight through the problems instead of giving up at the first sign of trouble. I would love for her to assume that the only trouble would be...bills? Who to babysit the kids if there are any?
- 英语
- 中学
- 其他职业/服务服务/贸易
- 其他基督教
- 单身
- 无小孩
- 不确定
- 偶尔吸烟
- 偶尔
爱冒险/狂热/随性, 文艺, 善于沟通, 朴实, 随和/灵活/开朗, 古怪, 友好/善良, 温和, 活力十足, 幽默/机智, 聪明/机灵, 不挑剔, 乐观, 执着, 务实, 有拖延症, 浪漫, 浪漫, 自信, 敏感/充满爱/慈爱, 严肃/有责任感, 善于社交, 富有灵性, 顽固, 健谈, 不落俗套/无拘无束
棒球/垒球, 篮球, 骑行, 划船/航海/皮划艇, 打保龄球, 美式足球, 高尔夫, 登山/散步, 骑马, 打猎/打渔, 溜冰, 纵列式滑冰/轮式溜冰, 喷气式飞机/滑雪, 慢跑/跑步, 武术, 攀岩, 跳伞运动/悬挂式滑翔/飞翔, 潜水/浮潜, 冲浪/滑雪/滑板, 游泳/潜水, 网球, 排球, 举重, 瑜伽/冥想
钓鱼/打猎, 园艺/景观美化, 爱好与手工艺品, 看电影/视频, 博物馆与艺术, 听音乐/音乐会, 表演艺术, 玩牌, 做运动, 听戏剧, 旅游/观光, 电子游戏, 参加志愿者活动, 品酒
美国菜, 烧烤, 卡津菜/南方菜, 中国菜/点心, 意大利菜, 墨西哥菜, 海鲜, 心灵食物, 南美菜, 西南菜, 西班牙菜
原声乐器, 另类摇滚, 经典摇滚, 古典乐, 重金属摇滚, 器乐曲, 现代摇滚, 新世纪音乐, 摇滚
漫画, 小说