
来自美国California州Los Angeles市

  • 身高: 5'9" / 175 cm
  • 体重: 154 lbs / 70 kg
  • 体型: 健硕结实
  • 头发颜色: 黑色, 短发
  • 眼睛: 棕色
  • 种族: 黑人/非洲裔
  • 星座:: 天秤座 天秤座

最后一次更新: 2024年2月23日
入会时间: 2023年1月5日

用户名: GymKing
会员编号: 1182063




最后一次更新: 2024年2月23日
入会时间: 2023年1月5日

用户名: GymKing
会员编号: 1182063






I have all the love languages mentally, spiritually, physically, quality time, and a act of service. I'm Loyal and romantic
with a lot of passion and personality, I like having fun in many ways, and I am always ready to learn new things. I am ready to become a husband and dream of being happy in reality, not just in virtual life. I am very romantic and hardworking. I love nature and like to spend good times & love to travel. Life is not as easy as it seems, but I try to overcome all the difficulties that are in my way. I read, workout, study and love to explore things & I want to create memories in life with someone.


I would like to meet A family-oriented woman who wishes nothing but a pure and genuine love, sweet, caring, kind, compassionate and down-to-earth naturally. I'm looking for someone who knows what they want and who is calm in every situation. Also someone who shares the same love language I am here to date someone who’s seriously looking for a serious, healthy and strong relationship that will turn into marriage.

Long distance relationship is hard so it has to be great communication consistently and be willing to get married and get visa/passport to move with me here in America. I am ready to be a husband, a bestfriend, a lover.


  1. 英语 (流利)
  2. 中学
  3. 企业家/创业
  4. 穆斯林
  5. 单身
  6. 无小孩
  7. 不吸烟
  8. 从不


  1. 爱冒险/狂热/随性, 爱争论, 文艺, 沉稳, 善于沟通, 强迫症, 保守, 朴实, 随和/灵活/开朗, 古怪, 优雅, 艳丽, 轻浮/调皮, 友好/善良, 温和, 活力十足, 难伺候, 幽默/机智, 乐观, 外向, 执着, 浪漫, 自信, 单纯, 健谈
  2. 有氧运动, 棒球/垒球, 篮球, 骑行, 划船/航海/皮划艇, 板球, 美式足球, 溜冰, 喷气式飞机/滑雪, 攀岩, 滑雪, 足球
  3. 校友社交, 商务应酬, 喝咖啡,聊天, 烹饪, 钓鱼/打猎, 爱好与手工艺品, 看电影/视频, 玩牌, 做运动, 政治兴趣, 购物/收藏古董
  4. 墨西哥菜, 西班牙菜, 泰国菜, 纯素餐, 素食餐/有机餐
  5. 器乐曲, 爵士乐, 拉丁乐, 雷鬼乐
