最后一次更新: 2023年10月21日
入会时间: 2022年4月17日
会员编号: 1142252
First, I would like to tel you I want to get married, then I would like you to know that I have been trying this on and off for some time. I have inactivated my account many times when I think I have found someone. I don't like to communicate with two, three ladies at a time, reason why I do this.
I got married 18 years ago and divorced soon after that. The details are not important but, if you must know, I will tell you. Actions speak louder than words, I truly believe that, and I've tried to live my life by that. Here I have to say things about myself even when I don't like to talk about myself. Sincere, trustworthy, just a normal man trying to live a life without hurting others. I have virtues as well as many defects, therefore, I don't judge anyone since we all are human and thus, imperfects.
My family (mom and sister) are very, very, very important to me, fully understand family and commitment and so, I have strong family values.
Absolutely no games!
My intensions are serious and clear. I hope to find my wife on this site, no matter where she is. I will go to her so we can meet in person.
I don't ask for much (I think!) ...A reliable woman, sincere, trustworthy, with good sense of humor who likes to be challenged by life's circumstances, a lady who appreciates that it is the many little things that make a life great and beautiful to live beside another human being. A woman who understands the importance of unconditional love, pure, simple, but true love, a lady who is committed as I am to find the love of her life and to work towards making it a reality. Now, tell me, is it too much to ask?
- 英语 (流利), 法语 (基本水平), 葡萄牙语 (良好)
- 博士学位
- 教育/教学/儿童护理
- 离异
- 无小孩
- 是
- 不吸烟
- 仅限社交场合
爱冒险/狂热/随性, 沉稳, 善于沟通, 随和/灵活/开朗, 友好/善良, 温和, 聪明/机灵, 不挑剔, 乐观, 内向/害羞, 浪漫, 浪漫, 敏感/充满爱/慈爱, 单纯, 善于社交, 复杂/世故
骑行, 登山/散步, 骑马, 慢跑/跑步, 跳伞运动/悬挂式滑翔/飞翔, 潜水/浮潜, 游泳/潜水, 举重
喝咖啡,聊天, 外出就餐, 爱好与手工艺品, 与朋友聚会, 看电影/视频, 博物馆与艺术, 听音乐/音乐会, 表演艺术, 听戏剧, 旅游/观光, 观看体育赛事, 品酒
美国菜, 烧烤, 加州混合菜, 加勒比菜/古巴菜, 熟食, 快餐/披萨, 希腊菜, 印度菜, 意大利菜, 地中海菜, 墨西哥菜, 中东菜, 西南菜, 西班牙菜, 泰国菜
原声乐器, 另类摇滚, 大型摇摆乐, 蓝调, 经典摇滚, 古典乐, 舞曲/电子乐, 迪斯科, 重金属摇滚, 爵士乐, 拉丁乐, 现代摇滚, 新世纪音乐, 经典老歌, 歌剧, 流行音乐, 雷鬼乐, 摇滚, 灵魂/嘻哈乐, 世界音乐/种族音乐
经典名著, 侦探小说, 杂志, 纪实小说, 诗歌, 行业杂志