最后一次更新: 2023年9月27日
入会时间: 2023年9月27日
用户名: Florian
会员编号: 1225620
Hi, I’m Flo! I’m not the best at describing myself, so I reached out to a few friends and asked them to tell me what I’m like so I could share that with you: 1. Flo is driven, goal-oriented, and goes after what he wants in life 2. Flo is fun to be around with, honest and loyal. Great match.
I am looking for a partner in fun, "crime" and love. Someone to travel, someone to talk, someone to develop as a human being. I am no car admirer or soccer pilgrim. I love to sit at the riverside at a campfire and watch the stars. I like to pack my things for a weekend trip in a city, see a nice show or theatre. I am quite simple in my tastes, but sophisticated in the how to get them.
Let's see ... hidden gems have to be discovered over time ...
- 英语 (母语), 德语 (母语)
- 博士后学位
- 医疗/健康/健身/社会服务
- 天主教徒
- 离异
- 周末要带小孩
- 不确定
- 不吸烟
- 仅限社交场合
爱冒险/狂热/随性, 沉稳, 善于沟通, 随和/灵活/开朗, 轻浮/调皮, 友好/善良, 温和, 幽默/机智, 聪明/机灵, 乐观, 浪漫, 敏感/充满爱/慈爱, 严肃/有责任感, 善于社交, 复杂/世故, 不落俗套/无拘无束
骑行, 划船/航海/皮划艇, 跳舞, 登山/散步, 骑马, 游泳/潜水, 举重
校友社交, 露营, 喝咖啡,聊天, 烹饪, 爱好与手工艺品, 看电影/视频, 博物馆与艺术, 听音乐/音乐会, 初来乍到, 听戏剧, 旅游/观光
原声乐器, 另类摇滚, 大型摇摆乐, 蓝调, 经典摇滚, 古典乐, 舞曲/电子乐, 轻音乐, 重金属摇滚, 爵士乐, 新世纪音乐, 流行音乐, 朋克, 饶舌/嘻哈乐, 摇滚, 灵魂/嘻哈乐
经典名著, 漫画, 科幻小说, 杂志, 报纸, 纪实小说, 小说