
来自美国Missouri州Cape Girardeau市

  • 身高: 5'10" / 178 cm
  • 体型: 微胖
  • 头发颜色: 深棕色, 短发
  • 眼睛: 深棕色
  • 种族: 白种人/高加索人
  • 星座:: 处女座 处女座

最后一次更新: 2024年6月12日
入会时间: 2024年6月12日

用户名: DavidWalker
会员编号: 1283257




最后一次更新: 2024年6月12日
入会时间: 2024年6月12日

用户名: DavidWalker
会员编号: 1283257






I know what I want in life and will do what is needed to get to where I want to be. I'm currently in the process of working toward my main goal which is to find the career I really want. I'm going to be attending school shortly and a lot of my time will be taken up with that, but I will always make time for that special person. I have a 10 year old girl that is my heart and soul. She is the sweetest little girl in the world and she will always be my top priority.

Now, about me; I am an easygoing relatively care-free guy. I don't like drama and can't stand arguing Aand that's why I'm on here. American women just love to fight and argue over anything and I just can't be bothered with it. I will admit when I've done something wrong and take the correct actions to fix it. I am loyal to a fault, I'm trustworthy until I'm given a reason not to be and I'm a loving person. I'm in tune with my emotions and if I feel a certain way, you will know. I don't hide things so everything with me is in the open. I won't lie even to save your feelings, I just can't do it. I can't stand the hypothetical questions like, "If I were a caterpillar, would you love me?". No, I wouldn't. You can't create a family with a caterpillar. If I'm with you, I'm with you. No one but you could ever persuade me to not be with you. We're a team. If there's something you need done, I'm there. If there's a problem you're having, let's look at it together and work to fix it. I will protect the right woman and my family with my life. That doesn't mean I'm going to fight all your battles, but I will support you through them.

I'm a sweet person. I like to do things for my partner. Setting up scavenger hunts, making you food, massages and so many other things. As long as I'm not taken advantage of, there's nothing I wouldn't do for my woman.

There's a lot to me, but I don't want to spoil it all as I'd like for us to have something to talk about.


I'm looking for a traditional woman. If you're a "boss babe", no thanks. I want someone that's willing to do things for me. I will never put everything on you, though. I want a woman that is kind, caring, thoughtful, loving, supportive and above all else, loyal. You only get one life and I want to spend the rest of mine with my person. What you do in life has no bearing on how I look at you.


  1. 英语 (母语)
  2. 大学肄业
  3. 餐馆/食品服务/餐饮业
  4. 不可知论者
  5. 离异
  6. 不与我生活在一起
  7. 经常吸烟
  8. 从不


  1. 沉稳, 善于沟通, 随和/灵活/开朗, 轻浮/调皮, 友好/善良, 温和, 幽默/机智, 聪明/机灵, 不挑剔, 乐观, 外向, 有拖延症, 浪漫, 浪漫, 自信, 敏感/充满爱/慈爱
  2. 打保龄球, 登山/散步, 打猎/打渔, 游泳/潜水
  3. 露营, 烹饪, 外出就餐, 钓鱼/打猎, 看电影/视频, 听音乐/音乐会, 购物/收藏古董, 旅游/观光, 电子游戏, 观看体育赛事
  4. 无偏好
  5. 大型摇摆乐, 经典摇滚, 乡村歌曲, 重金属摇滚, 器乐曲, 爵士乐, 现代摇滚, 流行音乐, 饶舌/嘻哈乐, 摇滚, 灵魂/嘻哈乐
  6. 经典名著, 漫画, 科幻小说, 诗歌
