最后一次更新: 2024年2月16日
入会时间: 2023年12月27日
用户名: stined
会员编号: 1243058
Lots of fake accounts on here. Don't come at me with that. 😂 I'm out here looking for my person.
Recently separated. I'm kind, loyal, patient, and forgiving. I don't give up easy. I'm looking for the same. I'm not quick to get angry. I'm empathetic. Im both mature and immature. I do like to work out but it's been some time. I have a playful personality and I think I'm pretty funny. I'm not a judgemental person. I love music a lot and listen to a little bit of everything. I listen to heavy metal🤘 and edm lately. I'm new to raves and I would love to go with you to one. I enjoy movies, my favorite is the Matrix. I believe in honest communications. I would appreciate the harshest truth over a lie. I feel like I'm a good person and worth it. I hope you think so to.
I would imagine she is unique, funny, kind, loyal, and observant. She loves kids and would treat mine well. She would probably feel like she was different than most people, but could adapt to her surroundings. She likes to be at home, but needs to rage it up sometimes. She is emotional, but controlled. She will not tolerate disrespect and doesn't give up easy. She will know how to communicate and is emotionally intelligent. Lastly, she wouldn't mind going to metal shows, raves, and festivals. If this sounds like you, I would love to talk to you.
- 英语 (母语)
- 副学士学位
- 制造业/储仓/运输/设备
- 单身
- 周末要带小孩
- 不确定
- 不吸烟
- 偶尔
爱冒险/狂热/随性, 沉稳, 随和/灵活/开朗, 友好/善良, 温和, 幽默/机智, 有拖延症, 浪漫, 善于社交
爱好与手工艺品, 与朋友聚会, 看电影/视频, 听音乐/音乐会, 电子游戏
另类摇滚, 经典摇滚, 舞曲/电子乐, 重金属摇滚
杂志, 纪实小说