来自美国Arizona州Sierra Vista市
最后一次更新: 2021年4月21日
入会时间: 2020年12月16日
用户名: Bradwelton
会员编号: 1016139
Hello! And thank you for looking. I am a very happy and healthy man seeking the same in a woman. I am financially stable as well, still working, captaining a medevac aircraft, which is a joy to fly. And I particularly enjoy benefiting ill people and shuttling them to better care facilities. I am willing to travel to meet my dream mate! I have very little baggage in life. I do enjoy my home abode in Arizona, USA. But I am not stuck here and am open to moving most anywhere in retirement. I will write more later, soon.
- 英语
- 学士学位
- 医疗/健康/健身/社会服务
- 新教教徒
- 单身
- 无小孩
- 否
- 不吸烟
- 仅限社交场合
文艺, 保守, 朴实, 轻浮/调皮, 不挑剔, 浪漫, 自信, 敏感/充满爱/慈爱
骑行, 划船/航海/皮划艇, 登山/散步, 潜水/浮潜, 网球
露营, 爱好与手工艺品, 与朋友聚会, 旅游/观光, 品酒
美国菜, 西南菜, 纯素餐, 素食餐/有机餐
大型摇摆乐, 蓝调, 经典摇滚, 古典乐, 迪斯科, 器乐曲, 爵士乐, 新世纪音乐
经典名著, 杂志, 纪实小说