
来自美国District of Columbia州Bowie市

  • 身高: 5'12" / 182 cm
  • 体重: 220 lbs / 100 kg
  • 体型: 健壮结实
  • 头发颜色: 黑色, 短发
  • 眼睛: 棕色
  • 种族: 黑人/非洲裔
  • 星座:: 巨蟹座 巨蟹座

最后一次更新: 2019年12月8日
入会时间: 2019年9月23日

用户名: amays3
会员编号: 884339




最后一次更新: 2019年12月8日
入会时间: 2019年9月23日

用户名: amays3
会员编号: 884339






I love laugh, and be playful, I am intellectual with a human side. I am very affectionate and loving, I cherish the time that I spend with my partner. I crave the intimate time that I spend with my love. (not sex) true intimacy or your heart
I am patience, but stern, giving with and open heart and hand to the one that love.
However, i expect my love to understand the meaning of Agape love and that is not receiving, it is giving of yourself and all that you have, it is totally selfless and oneness with your partner!
I put Jesus first in my life and hope to find a TRUE lady, that understands the importance of two imperfect people needing the lords hand and blessing to guide and keep us.
I use the word partner a lot, because the purpose or marriage is 2 becoming one, a total partnership!!!


I am looking for a lady that is smart and sure of herself. A team player and understands that her man is her partner, not to compete with or ware as a trophy.
He is her King, if she considers herself a queen. We complete each other and back each other and NOTHING outside out relationship comes between us, not friends not family and the grass is not greener on the other side. If you think you are that person please contact me at this coded address hpittech at gee male dot com. PS, I do not do cheaters


  1. 英语 (母语), 西班牙语 (基本水平)
  2. 学士学位
  3. 网络/电商/技术
  4. 新教教徒
  5. 离异
  6. 无小孩
  7. 不确定
  8. 不吸烟
  9. 偶尔


  1. 善于沟通, 保守, 优雅, 轻浮/调皮, 聪明/机灵, 乐观, 浪漫, 自信, 善于社交, 富有灵性
  2. 篮球, 骑行, 打保龄球, 美式足球, 喷气式飞机/滑雪, 举重
  3. 烹饪, 看电影/视频, 听音乐/音乐会, 泡吧/跳舞, 政治兴趣, 听戏剧, 旅游/观光, 观看体育赛事, 品酒
  4. 美国菜, 烧烤, 卡津菜/南方菜, 加勒比菜/古巴菜, 快餐/披萨, 希腊菜, 印度菜, 意大利菜, 地中海菜, 墨西哥菜, 海鲜, 心灵食物, 南美菜, 西南菜, 西班牙菜
  5. 基督福音, 爵士乐, 拉丁乐, 饶舌/嘻哈乐, 雷鬼乐, 灵魂/嘻哈乐
  6. 杂志, 报纸, 行业杂志
